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IB English A:Lang & Lit VS Literature, which course is better for me? Everything about IB Eng A L&L and Lit!

A  How is the evaluation done for the IB Language A course?

IB English A Literature and English A Language & Literature have the same evaluation method. Paper 1, 2 and Individual Oral, and there is an additional HL essay only for HL students. You can also check the detailed evaluation reflection ratio in the table below.

B. Let’s delve into checking the unique feature of IB English A Literature course

In the IB English A Literature course, you will study 9 works (SL) or 13 literary works (HL) over the two years of the IB diploma. As you can see from the subject description, this course focuses only on literary genres and works (poem, play, novel and prose etc) written (translated into English) in various languages, from English, Spanish, French to Icelandic, Tagalog, Arabic, etc. to study.

While studying Literature, students study and analyse various literary texts and their contexts, and are evaluated in written and oral format.

C. How is the IB English A Language & Literature course composed of?

IB English A Language & Literature course has the same test format as the LIt course, but the number of literary works studied is different (4 works for SL, 6 works for HL), and the types of content you will encounter are also slightly different.

​While the Literature course focuses solely on literary works, the Lang & Lit course consists of 50% literary text and 50% non-literary text, such as movies, websites, comics, and advertisements in various media.

Non-literary 'text types' are grouped into what we call the 'Body of work'. Examples include collections of multiple works by a single cartoonist such as Charles Schultz, or specific advertising campaigns by companies such as Hewlett-Packard.

By studying literary and non-literary texts together, students in this course will analyse a much broader range of texts. If you feel that interpreting a filmmaker's style and cinematic techniques is as comfortable and interesting as interpreting a poet's literary techniques, Lang & Lit may be a better choice.

D. So, which students are more likely to do well if they choose Literature? 

A. For those of you who find there is no significant difficulty in reading and analysing poetry.  And for those who like the characteristic of analysing literary works such as about the fact that there is no 100% exact answer. And if a student is confident in attempting his or her own analysis or interpretation of the work.

B. For those of you who like reading literary content like Novel or Play and discussing the work critically.

C.For those of you who find non-literary contexts such as newspaper articles and infographics are rather boring. (There can be a certain correct answer to the analysis of non-literary works.)

D. For those of you who have no difficulty organising thoughts and analysing them freely and creatively in English. (To put it simply, English is as comfortable as one’s native language.)

E. When would it be better to choose Language & Literature rather than Literature? 

A. If you have difficulty reading and analysing poetry. (You may have already experienced this several times during the IGCSE or MYP course.)

B. If you do not enjoy reading literary works such as novels and plays and find that it takes a lot of time and a bit difficult to deeply analyse or understand the work.

C. If you find bon-literary content, such as newspaper articles and infographics, is easier to understand than literary content.

D. When English is not as comfortable as your native language.

The above ideas are only given for recommendations that can guide students to think deeply about which type of texts they are more interested in and find confidence in before choosing the IB Language A subject. Then cheers to every IB lads! 

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