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IB English A: Tips for choosing the best extracts for Individual Oral!

Choosing a best combination of extracts for IO presentation is as much important as you choose the best global issue.

Before IO presentation, you must hand in an outline that summarises the general content of the IO presentation, and second, you submit a copy of the extracts of the works used to compose the outline.

In this posting, let me focus on the latter documents and the key tips for choosing the best combination.

The process of finding appropriate extracts from selected texts!

Step 1. Throughly read both texts and find a common global issue: Read the two selected texts several times and choose 1-2 candidates for the common global issues the two texts have.

Step 2. Find different extracts within your texts that relate to the global issue: Find and organise 3-5 extracts from each text that can analyse and prove the selected global issue.

Step 3. Compare the different extracts for each text, and pick the one that has a variety of literary and structural techniques that will best support your global issue. Remember these techniques must serve a purpose in portraying the author's intention and commentary on your global issue: Among the selected extract candidates, use various and accurate linguistic techniques (literary, sensory or structural) that best support your global issue.

Step 4. In general, the appropriate length of extracts to include in the presentation is 25-40 lines!

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