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IGCSE English: 2 core tips for writing decent descriptive essay!

Descriptive essay is an assignment that asks you to write an essay that captures a scene as if you are observing the very moment. It can be seen as creative writing though a different type from narrative writing. 

Students are guided to select one prompt that he or she can describe with the most confidence amongst two descriptive writing prompts and DESCRIBE it in as much detail and detail as possible.

Then let’s check two core tips for writing a decent descriptive essay.

Tip 1: Do use multiple and colourful descriptive Skills!

Amongst various linguistic devices, there are some that are especially frequently used in descriptive essays. Check out the devices that would be good to use to make your descriptive essay more vivid and colourful. 

  • Metaphors: Compares two dissimilar things saying it is something else

  • “He was a beaten dog.”

  • Similes: Directly compares two dissimilar things.

  • “He looked the way a beaten dog might look.

  • Sensory details: words that stir any of the five senses: touch, taste, sound, smell, and sight.

  • Personification: Speaks of concepts or objects as if they had life or human characteristics.

  • “ I saw a crowd, / A host, of golden daffodils; / Beside the lake, beneath the trees, / Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.” -“I Wandered Lonely….”, Wordsworth

  • “April is the cruellest month, breeding / Lilacs out of the dead land” -The Waste Land, by Eliot

  • “Her heart was divided between concern for her sister, and resentment against all the others.” -Pride and Prejudice, Austen

  • Adjectives: words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns (enormous, silly, yellow, fun, fast).

  • Hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

  • Juxtaposition: placing two elements close together or side by side. This is often done in order to compare/contrast the two, to show similarities or differences, etc.

Tip 2: Show don’t tell: Make sure you’re describing, showing, not explaining!

  • Set your perspectives: zoom in on different objects of focus.: Are you describing from multiple perspectives?

  • Think of a photograph that you are observing. Think of the given text as a photo and Depict it.

  • There will be some components of narration (action and movement), but avoid writing a narrative: You can describe action or movement, but you don't have to explain it narratively.

  • Full of details but not difficult for your readers; Are you presenting your deep and thorough observation?

  • Making it engaging and interesting: Will the Reader be interested in reading your descriptive essay?

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